Continuous Monitoring – Neonatal

Advancing Neonatal Care with Enhanced cEEG Monitoring

Hospitals and Healthcare Systems have made significant strides in expanding access to continuous Electroencephalography (cEEG) monitoring, a cornerstone in neonatal seizure diagnosis. This expansion is essential for at-risk neonates and is facilitated by expert teams of EEG technologists and pediatric epileptologists.

Neonatal Seizures: A Significant Neurological Emergency

Affecting 1 to 5 per 1000 newborns, neonatal seizures represent a significant challenge in neonatology. The still-developing motor pathways in newborns and the prevalence of seizures may only be detectable through cEEG, especially in critically ill infants, complicating their diagnosis.

The Pivotal Role of cEEG in Neonatal Seizure Diagnosis

cEEG has proven indispensable in not just identifying neonatal seizures but also in distinguishing their types and assisting in treatment. It is the gold standard for diagnosis and is essential for detecting electrographic and electroclinical seizures.

ILAE’s Landmark Neonatal Seizure Classification

The ILAE (International League Against Epilepsy) introduced a classification of seizures and epilepsy that was published in Epilepsia system, emphasizing the importance of cEEG. This classification helps to differentiate the semiology of seizures, crucial for pinpointing their origins and informing more personalized intervention strategies.

Improved Neonatal Health Outcomes

Prompt and precise diagnosis of neonatal seizures through cEEG is imperative. The ILAE’s classification system, centralizing cEEG’s role, offers a nuanced approach to managing neonatal seizures, paving the path for enhanced patient outcomes. Early seizure detection.

Why Choose Neurovative for NICU cEEG Monitoring Solution?

Expertise and Experience

Our seasoned R.EEG T. and CLTM professionals ensure accurate and reliable cEEG monitoring.

Leading-edge Technology

Our advanced video EEG systems use a cloud-based EEG platform accessible on any device. We harness the latest advancements in cEEG monitoring technology, remote monitoring, and rapid data analysis, leading to timely interventions for improved patient outcomes. Advanced solutions for rapid deployment using the Incereb Neon Array.

Customized Solutions

Recognizing the uniqueness of each client’s needs, we offer tailored solutions for clinical, research, or other settings.

Adherence to Standards

We hold Joint Commission Accreditation adhering to industry standards and maintaining strict regulatory compliance, ensuring the utmost accuracy in cEEG monitoring.

Dedicated Support and Service

Our commitment to exceptional customer service means ongoing support and guidance for a seamless experience for our clients.

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